Sprache Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Tage

2 days tour Luxor & Safaga Port

Day 1:

The East Bank of Luxor

When we arrive at Luxor we will start visits the East bank of Luxor to visit Karnak and Luxor Temples.

complex of Karnak

Best Luxor Day Tours Safaga, Safaga Port Excursions, Safaga Trips

Karnak The ancient Egyptian name of the temple was Ipet-isu—or “most select of places”—by the ancient Egyptians, over 2,000 years to build the complex of Karnak from the middle kingdom to the Greek-Roman period. It is the largest religious center ever built, about 200 acres (1.5 km by 0.8 km), and was a place of pilgrimage for nearly 2,000 years, dedicated to the Theban triad of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu. The Hypostyle Hall, one of the most interesting things we will visit about 54,000 square feet continue 134 columns, is still the largest room of any religious building in the world. After finish the tour in Karnak we will drive to the Temple of Luxor.

Temple of Luxor

Best Luxor Day Tours Safaga, Safaga Port Excursions, Safaga Trips

Temple of Luxor The temple was built by Amenhotep III (1390-52 BC) 18th Dynasty and Ramesses II ( 1279-13 BC) 19th Dynasty.

The Pylon

Was Covered by sand until the 1880s but after restored the temple, the Pylon measuring 24 meters high and 65 meters wide, the scene on the pylon Represents the glory of Ramesses at the battle of Kadesh. Also, two massive seated statues of Rameses II guard the huge gateway and are flanked by four standing statues of the king.

Avenue of Sphinxes

In the front of the temple thousands of sphinx of human-headed and lion bodies about ( 3 KM), made it between the complex of Karnak and the temple of Luxor. This avenue was built for the ” Opet festival” when Amun and Mut visited the temple of Karnak in a symbolic re-enactment of their marriage. At Luxor temple, Amun has magically transformed into Min the god of fertility. Then we will stop to relax, eat lunch, and taste the Egyptian food, in a local restaurant, then we will check in a hotel in Luxor.

Day 2:

The West Bank of Luxor

In the morning will pick you up from your hotel in Luxor and transfer you to the west bank where you will visit the Valley of the Kings, temple Hatshepsut and colossi Memnon.

Valley of the Kings

Best Luxor Day Tours Safaga, Safaga Port Excursions, Safaga Trips

kings valley In 1979 UNESCO designated the valley of kings a part of the World Heritage site of ancient Thebes, includes Luxor, the Valley of the Queens, and the complex of Karnak. The site of royal burials since around 2100 BC, the pharaohs of the New Kingdom (1550–1069 BC) chose this isolated valley to make them tombs.

One of the reasons they choose this valley in the west bank of Luxor ” the pyramid-shaped mountain”, in the center of the mountain of the west bank, so they will not waste time or spend money to build a pyramid. The Valley of the Kings has 64 tombs, Just 24 Royal Tombs. Then we move on to visit the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut.

Hatshepsut temple

Hatsheput Temple

Hatshepsut The Woman Who Was Pharaoh, She was the daughter of Thutmosis I. She ruled Egypt for about 23 years during the 18th Dynasty (approximately 1490-1469 B.C). She built a very beautiful temple on the west bank of Luxor by limestone and dedicated it to the God Amoun-Ra. The temple three floors, the third floor carved on the mountain as a holly of hollies of Amoun-Ra. Then we will stop to visit the colossi of Memnon.

Colossi of Memnon


Two massive statues of quartzite sandstone represent king Amenhotep III, who ruled Egypt during the 18th Dynasty. The statues are high about 15 m. The Colossi was at the entrance to Amenhotep’s memorial temple which was destroyed by an earthquake in ancient times

lunch in a local restaurant.

After that return to your hotel for a quick check-out return journey to Safaga


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