Sprache Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Tage

Hurghada 2 days tour to Cairo & Luxor

Hurghada 2 day tour to Cairo & Luxor, Early morning, our representative will pick you up. from your hotel in Hurghada to Hurghada airport for a flight to Cairo.Upon arrival at Cairo airport. you will meet your private tour guide. who will accompany you to start your Hurghada 2 day tour to Cairo & Luxor . by discovering Ancient Egyptian civilization in one of the Seven Wonders of the World:

Giza complex


The complex includes three main pyramids, six little pyramids, the great sphinx, and the Valley Temple. The complex dates back to the 4th dynasty 2400 years B.C.

the great pyramid

The Great Pyramid belongs to “King Khufu” It is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids of the Giza plateau and the only one to remain intact from the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. The height of the great pyramid is 147 m, the number of stones used in construction is 2,300,000 and it took twenty years to build.

king Chephren

Cheops Pyramid King Khufu

This massive belongs to King Chephren, the largest statue in the world, standing 73 m. long, 19 m. wide, and 20 m in height.the oldest known monumental sculpture.A Granite mortuary temple used by Ancient Egyptians for the mummification process and the only remaining one at the Giza plateau.

Lunch served at the Pyramids/Nile view restaurant, then move to visit:

The Egyptian Museum


displays a rare collection of 5000 years of art. Over 250,000 genuine artifacts are presented, including an exhibit dedicated to Tutankhamen’s collection of treasure, gold, and jewelry which was enclosed in his tomb for over 3,500 years. In the evening you gonna driven to Cairo airport for a flight to Luxor, upon arrival at Luxor airport, meet our representative & transfer to 5* hotel to check-in and spend the overnight.

day 2

Luxor visit

around 8 am you gonna picked up by our private tour guide by a private A.C car then head to Luxor and cast your eyes firstly on the tiptop Luxor tourist attractions such as:-

Karnak temple

Luxor 1 Day Tour From Safaga Port

where the heavens smile on this holy land, it was constructed 4000 years ago on 247 acres of land containing three main temples & several enclosed and outer temples. For more than 1500 years, been one of the biggest religious man-made constructions on earth and the worship center of the Theban triad of Amun, Mut, & Khnsou. Then you will move to: Luxor temple is a lunar flower from paradise constructed in 1400 BC during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and was known as “Ipetresyet” which means the southern sanctuary and holds various festivals including the opet festival, it was dedicated to the God Amun which symbolizes the rejuvenation of kingship.

Lunch is served on an island which includes a boat trip then you will check in a 5*hotel.

valley of the kings


start over .directly explanation about the west bank sight-seen such as the valley of the kings .the founder of it and when they start to cut it over how many tombs its included and so on then you. will arrive there to enjoy the marvelous seen inside the tome.

Hatshepsut’s temple

Queen Hatshepsut

then you gonna headed to the unique queen of the ancient Egyptian empire the great queen Hatshepsut. and how she ordered to build it and how was the main architect and so on .then you gonna enjoy with the sight seen then you will head to someplace where you will see the ancient lifestyle.

colossi of Memnon


and ancient handcrafted. then you gonna seethe biggest colossal in Egypt two colossi of Memnon .finally you will have fantastic lunch then will drive you back to Hurghada safety


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