Sprache Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 750 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

7 nights Nile cruise Luxor to Aswan

Day -1:

Embark the Cruise – Visit Luxor East Bank Landmarks

7 nights Nile cruise Luxor to Aswan starts in the Morning time, you will meet your tour guide who will join you to start the 7 night Nile cruise to visit the historical attractions in the East Bank of Luxor such as Krank. Luxor. valley of the kings. Hatshepsut temple .extra

with 7 nights Nile cruise Luxor to Aswan No site in Egypt is more impressive than the

Karnak temple.

2 Adore Days 1 Night

It is the largest temple complex ever built by man and represents the combined achievement of many generations of ancient builders and pharaohs. The temple of Karnak is actually three main temples, smaller enclosed temples, and several outer temples situated on 247 acres of land. Then check in your 5* Nile cruise to have lunch and relax. Evening time, we will pick you up to enjoy

Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple

was the center of the most important festival, the festival of Opet. Built largely by Amenhotep III and Rameses II, the temple’s purpose was a setting for the rituals of the festival. The festival was to reconcile the human aspect of the ruler with the divine office. After enjoying the temple, return to the cruise overnight. Meals Included { L.D. }.


free day on the cruise

the second day gonna be free to enjoy the cruise while sailing to Edfu

meals (B.L.D)


visit Edfu temple

Edfu Temple

in the morning you gonna escorted by your personal. Egyptologist tour guide in horse carriage visit Edfu temple its .considers one of the most preserved Greco-roman temples .all over Egypt and on its walls portrayed paly shows the. overcome of Horus over the devil god Sethovernight in Aswan (late night arrival) meals (B.L.D)

day- 4

visit the best of Aswan landmarks

enjoy your breakfast, then move to complete your adventure in Aswan highlights where you gonna see

Aswan high dam

High Dam

High Dam

built across the Nile at Aswan. the high dam constructed between 1960 – 1970 and its significant effect on the economy & culture of Egypt

Philae temple – isis temple

Aswan Tour Visiting Philae Temple, Unfinished Obelisk

Philae Temple

Philae temple dedicated to isis love goddess & beauty. the temple complex was dismantled then relocated to .nearby agilkia island as part of the UNESCO nubia campaign project. protecting this and other complexes before the 1970 completion of the Aswan high dam finish.

overnight onboard meals (B.L.D)


Abu Simbel temple is sightseen visit

Hurghada 2 Day Tour Luxor &Amp; Abu Simbel

early morning get your breakfast box then join your Egyptologist .to Abu Simbel adventure. the 2 temples have a unique style .they considered. a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian architects they cut out sandstone due to. the mighty Ramses 2 reign around 1224 b.c the big one dedicated. to the king himself while the other for the queen Nefertari.

return back to Aswan enjoying your lunch onboard

meals (B.L.D)


Kom Ombo temple

Kom Ombo

Kom Ombo

morning time start sailing to Kom Ombo while having your breakfast on board the cruise after. arriving at Kom Ombo join your Egyptologist to visit it which is overlooking the Nile. the temple was divided into 2 temples with 2 entrances, 2 hypostyle halls . 2 sanctuaries.

back to your cruise start sailing to the next destination arrive late to Luxor again. meals (B.L.D)


valley of the kings

Valley Of The Kings

the final resting place of Egyptian rulers from the 18th – 20th dynasty. it’s home of 64 tombs 24 royal tombs while the arrest for the supreme high priests .between 1575 b.c to 1000 b.c they were many amazing tombs such. as Ramses 2 Ramses 1 and many others, the tomb’s colors are in good preserve conditions.

Hatshepsut temple

Queen Hatshepsut

one of the most beautiful and well-preserved temples in Egypt it’s built .of 3 levels 2 wide ramps in the central position joining the levels together.

colossi of Memnon


the 2 massive stone statues of the mighty Amenhotep 3 are the only complete mortuary temple. the statues made out of blocks of quartzite sandstone which exist in Cairo then moved 700 km south to Luxor check out after breakfast then transfer to anywhere ever you want in Luxor to end your experience through the heart of Egypt


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