Sprache Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 650 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 5 Tage

private 5 days Nile cruise Luxor and Aswan

private 5 days Nile cruise Luxor and Aswan Every Thursday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday, transfers by a modern A/C vehicle, 4 Nights Nile Cruise on 5 Stars Cruise Based on Full Board Basis, All Sightseeing service charges, and taxes, therefore, Tour excludes Any extras, Tipping, and Any Optional Tour.

Day 1

Enjoy Best Nile Cruise Depending On Your

At 10: am meet & assist by our local representatives from your Hotel at Luxor or From Luxor airport afterward transfer to the Nile Cruise., then Boarding, Lunch on board. Visit The Temple of Karnak & the Temple of Luxor. excursion to the Luxor Temple to see its courtyard and the granite statues, of Ramses the Great, Proceed by carriage or bus to Karnak, which is a series of temples built in different reigns. , Starting by the Avenue of Sphinxes visit the.

Luxor 1 Day Tour From Safaga Port

Unfinished Propylon, the Hypostyle Hall with its 134 gigantic columns, the Obelisks of Queen Hatshepsut, and Tuthmosis III, the temple of. Amon was adorned with lotus and papyrus designs, the Granite Scarbeus of, Amenophis III and the Sacred Lake. Afternoon tea. Dinner on board, & Belly Dance show. Overnight on Board in Luxor. (Optional-Not Included) 45 $ P.P Sound and Light show at Karnak Temple.

Day 2:

Breakfast on Board your tour starts with The West Bank – the Valley of the Kings, Colossi of Memnon, and The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at El Deir El Bahari, then. Excursion to the Valley of Kings.

valley of the kings

Valley Of The Kings

The Temple of Deir El Bahari

Hatsheput Temple

On the return, the journey stops at the Colossi, of Memnon which are two gigantic sitting statues representing, Amenophis III facing the Nile. Afterward, visit the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Lunch on board. Sail to Esna. Afternoon, Tea. Disco Party. Overnight on Board in Edfu.,(Optional Not Included) Hot air Balloon Ride in Luxor and enjoy, then flying over one of the biggest open museums starts during the sunrise.

Day 3:

Edfu temple

Edfu Temple

Breakfast on board. Visit the Temple of Horus in Edfu. Sail to Kom Ombo. Lunch on board. Visit the Temple shared by the two Gods Sobek & Haroeris in Kom Ombo. Afternoon Tea., Dinner on board& Galabya party Overnight on board in Kom Ombo.

Day 4:

Breakfast on board and Sail to Aswan arrival Aswan. then our tour starts with Visit the High Dam

High Dam

High Dam

the Granite Quarries & the Temple of Philae

Philae Temple

Philae Temple

Lunch on board., Afternoon Tea. Dinner on board. Overnight in Aswan.

Day 5:

Breakfast on board. Disembarkation and Transfer you to Aswan airport., (Optional-not included) 135 $ P.P Departures to Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel temples

Best Cairo 1 Day Tour

visit the Temple of Abu Simbel back to Aswan, The colossal Temple of Abu Simbel built by Ramses II (XIXth. Dynasty)., and lately saved from the inundation of the Nile waters in among the glories of ancient Egyptian monuments. The temples were built out of a sandstone rock cliff, and the representation of the deities to which each was dedicated is carved on its huge façade. Nearby, saved, lies the small Temple of the King’s wife Nefertari, dedicated to the goddess Hathor.


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