Where East Meets with West: Istanbul Full Day Bosporus

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Stunden

If cities have souls, then Istanbul's is right here, where the Golden Horn meets the Bosphorus and the Sea of Marmara, and the most intense activity is the movement of people and the selling of things: from domestic fire extinguishers to fresh fish grilled over wood fires on moored ketchas. This Bosphorus cruise in Istanbul is going to enhance your obsession with the former capital of the Byzantine and Ottoman empires. On the Bosphorus shore banks stand different ancient and unique landmarks that cannot be ignored by any Istanbul enthusiast. Hence, you will be also passing numerous Istanbul neighborhood’s, all respected by locals for one unique characteristic or tradition. For someone who considered herself an expert in Turkish travel, should definitely give a try for this tour! The importance and history of one of Istanbul’s most prominent locations will be seen and tasted!


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