Nagi Gumba Hike

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 85 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 12 Stunden

8:00 am Pick up from the hotel. Then drive to Budhanilkantha.

8:30 am We will visit one of the famous hindu temple of lord bishnu.The guide will brief you the detailed information regarding the temple.

9:00 am We start the trek from the temple to reach the Shivapuri Entrance gate.

9:30 am We walk towards entrance gate to enter a Sivapuri national park then start our hike to Nagigumba around 2 hours.

11:30 am Sightseeing around the Nagigumba and explore the Gumba.We will see the monks are chanting inside the Gumba.

12:00 am: Lunch time.

02:30 am Walk back to Budhanilkantha

3:00 am Drive back to Hotel from Budhanilkantha


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