Bahgdad - Nasseria-Ur - marshes

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 1000 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

Day 1: organize the tour inside Baghdad and to coordinate entering the martyr’s monument and museums, Al-Mustansiriya School, the oldest school in Iraq, Al-Rashid and Al-Mutanabi Streets, entering the holy Kadhimiya , overnight in Bahgdad.

Day 2 we head to Ur’s ziggurat , Then I will coordinate entering Nasiriyah and we will walk around Al-Haboubi Street and enter its museums in Nasiriyah .

Day 3: on the last day will go early to the Chabayish area and take the famous breakfast there buffalo milk (qaymar) and make a trip by boat at marshes and have a lunch & drink tea and then back to Bahgdad. End tour


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