Konya City Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 300 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

The important religious pilgrimage site of Konya has a town center crammed with museums and monuments of Seljuk splendor.

Most visitors stop here specifically to see the Mevlana Museum, one of Turkey's most famous religious tourist attractions and a major pilgrimage site that contains the tomb of the whirling dervish founder Mevlana Rumi, who wrote his famed poetry here in the 13th century.

Mevlana Museum

Watch the Whirling Dervishes

Ceramic Artistry in the Karatay Tile Works Museum

Day Trip to the Neolithic Site of Çatalhöyük

Take a Stroll on Alaeddin Tepe

Konya's Archaeological Museum

Marvel at the Konya Tropical Butterfly Garden

Better to take a flight from Istanbul to Konya and daily tour will be enough for that.

So another option can be by the High Speed train from Istanbul to Konya 5 hours.


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