3 Night 4 Days Affordable Mount Meru Climbing Tanzania

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1055 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 4 Tage

Mount Meru is perfect for acclimatization previous to Mount Kilimanjaro climbing; The Mountain is the third highest peak in Africa and is the second-highest mountain in Tanzania at 4,568m.

The mountain is positioned inside Arusha National Park, Tanzania’s gem. This prime location offers trekkers the prospect to identify the number of wildlife that inhabits the world for 3 Night 4 Days Affordable Mount Meru Climbing Tanzania is a perfect choice.

Duration: 4 Days on the mountain, 2 days before and after trekking.

Category: Mount Meru Trekking

Itinerary: 3 Night 4 Days Affordable Mount Meru Climbing Tanzania

Program Description

Arrival in Tanzania

Arrive anytime then will prepare a personal switch from Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) to Ilboru Safari Lodge,

Mount Meru Climbing information will collect within the hotel for a pre-climb briefing and kit check.

Dinner and overnight at Ilboru Safari Lodge: Bed and Breakfast

Day 1: Momela Gate -Miriakamba Huts:

Elevation:1597m/5240ft to 2503m/8212ft

Altitude gained: 906m

After breakfast, we drive from Arusha to Momela Gate. After a brief registration on the Gate, our Mount Meru Climbing will start with a full-armed ranger escorting us, merely we are able to see alongside the way in which the wild animals together with elephants, zebras, and giraffe, monkeys, antelope, and sometimes elephants alongside the route.

Dinner and in a single day evening at Miriakamba Hut.

Mountaineering Time: 4-6 hours

Habitat: Montane Forest.

Day 2: Miriakamba Huts – Saddle Huts:

Elevation: 2503m/8212ft to 3560m/11,680ft

Altitude gained: 1057m

Immediately after breakfast, we start Miriakamba Hut to the saddle under Little Meru is a brief day but a steep climb.

The stroll will take us slowly alongside the ridge for a spectacular view of the Meru Crater and the spectacular Ash Cone.

After sizzling lunch at Saddle Hut, we are able to make a brief climb to the summit of Little Meru (3,820m) for very good views simply earlier than sundown.

Dinner and in a single day evening at Saddle Hut

Habitat: Forest and Moorland.

Day 3: Saddle Hut- Summit- Descend to Saddle Hut

Elevation: 3560m/11,680ft to 4566m/14980ft

Altitude gained: 1006m

Descent to 3560m/11680ft

Altitude lost: 1006m

Climb begin early at around 1:30 a.m. to climb steeply to Rhino Level (3,800 m.) and on to Cobra Level (4350m). We attain the summit (4,566 m) on time for dawn there’s a risk to see Kilimanjaro Peak above the clouds. The ultimate part of the climb is alongside a spectacular slim ridgeline between the sheer internal cliffs and the sloping outer wall of the crater.

Mountaineering Time: 7 – 10 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert Moorland and Montane forest.

Day 4: Saddle Hut – Momella Gate:

Elevation:3560m/11,680ft to 1597m/5240ft

Altitude lost:1963m

Leave Saddle hut and descend down to Momella gate via first hut (Miriakamba) where you will be transferred to Arusha/Moshi, The returning switch will probably be ready on the Momella Gate to select up you to Arusha at Ilboru Lodge.

Mountaineering time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Montane Forest

Dinner and overnight at Ilboru Safari Lodge: Bed and Breakfast.

Departure day

Arusha to Kilimanjaro International Airport, for the flight back home or join another tour end of Mount Meru Climbing program.

3 Night 4 Days Affordable Mount Meru Climbing Tanzania includes:

• All Park Charges

•Your hotel stay for the nights before and after the climb (double occupancy)

• Airport transfers

• Transport from the hotel to the trailhead

• Transport from the trailhead again to the hotel

• All meals and water on the mountain

• Help personnel (guides, cooks, and porters)

• Rescue ChargesMount Meru Climbing

• Strolling Walking Poles

3 Night 4 Days Affordable Mount Meru Climbing Tanzania excludes:

• Visa on arrival to Tanzania

• Private Bills (e.g. laundry, phone, drinks, and so on.)

• Meals not listed above

• Elective Excursions (quick safari after your climb and so on)

• Suggestions and any objects of private nature.


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