Day excursion - Yala Safari

Sprache Englisch, japanisch
Kosten 70 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Day excursion with professional tourist guide (licensed). Offer you a safe and secure visit to Yala National park. No rush, no violent driving in and out side the park. Escort you with good practice to insure that the safety of you and the freedom of animal. I hire only my drivers who is willing follow my instructions.

Tour program.

# Pick up from hotel near Yala, ex; Tissamaharamaya, Kataragama, Kirinda, Maximum 20km from Yala Entrance gate.

# Morning or Afternoon safari about 4 hours

# Drop off at the hotel.

** "Price includes tour escorting fee only. Jeep cost + entrance fee does not included"


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