Undiscovered Tashkent - Paltau & Chukuraksu Waterfalls

Sprache Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 230 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Route: Tashkent - Chimgan Mountains - Paltau Waterfall - Obi Rakhmat Cave - Chukuraksu Waterfall - Charvak Mountains


- Tashkent: Pick-up from your hotel / airport / railway station

- Ugam-Chatkal National Park Check Point: After registration and parking we start the trekking with our guide. The route is linear and easy.

- Obi Rakhmat Cave: In this cave, in 1962, were founded the remains of the skull of a 9-12 year old Neanderthal boy. In addition, there were a lot of bones of feline predators, a cave lion and other animals. Futhermore, were found more than 500 stone products.

- Paltau Waterfall (20m): Along the stream you can see artificial cave which was did by geologists for the investigation. Visit the waterfall and climb the waterfall from where the most beautiful views of the stream open. Than, go down and visit another waterfall

- Chukuraksu (Bride's Veil): On the way to waterfall we pass along the Chatkal River which has a turquoise color. Then, the track passes through the thickets and we go out to the Waterfall. Here is a rest and lunch.

- Charvak Mountains: Along the way sightseing stop for panoramic view of Charvak.

- Back to Tashkent and drop-off


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