Noboribetsu Jidaimura, Hell Valley and Lake Toya Tour from Sapporo

Sprache Englisch, japanisch
Kosten 285 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden

This is Noboribetsu and Lake Toya tour from Sapporo.

Noboribetsu Lake ToYa is the most famous National Park and Hot spring in Hokkaido.

You can also experience Ninja and Samurai show and feed the bear if you like.

In Japan, National tour guides are not allowed to give ride to travelers, so we use a Toyota Alphard taxi that best deal.

I will offer you a special discount price to Noboribetsu Jidaimura Park so you can save.

Ninja show is an excellent Action show and Oiran show is beautiful. You can take photos with them too.

After lunch, I will take you to Hell valley and footbath in the natural onsen river. It is an extra-usually experience that you cannot miss. Putting feet in the hot water river refreshes you!

Next Lake Toya. G8 Summit meeting was held in 2008 and world leaders came to Lake Toya.

We will drive around Lake Toya. Mt Showashinazn is a national natural monument and Mt Usu is an active volcano. If you prefer, we will stop by at a Bear Park.

I will adjust this tour to meet your requests.


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