Two Days in Dhaka

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 400 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

Dhaka in two days

Ease yourself into the pace of Dhaka with a quiet breakfast in Banani. Head over to Zia/ Chandrima uddayan and the striking National Assembly building, to get prepped for tomorrow’s activities head to the National museum via Dhanmondi’s Mirpur Rd, for lunch in the afternoon spend some time wandering nearby Ramna and Sohrawardi parks and checkout the sights of Dhaka University. At the night head to DIT II circle in Gulshan and choose one of the many fine restaurants as the setting for the post mortem of your day.

Exploration of Old Dhaka is the only way to spend your second day, start with an hour or so of boating on the Buriganga River from chaotic Sadarghat boat terminal. Then wander leisurely through Ahsan monzil (pink palace) from here walk in any direction you’ll find sights and unexpected adventures at every turn. Pace yourself with a tea breaks and street snacks. Don’t miss out on Shankharia Bazar the home of Hindus and Nazira Bazar the birth place of Rickshaw art.

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