Cusco-Machupicchu-Nasca Lines-Paracas-Lima. 5days/4nights

Sprache Englisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 1750 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 5 Tage

our journey will start in Lima, Cusco, or other city and port. we will drive 3 hours to Paracas from Lima, take a fast speed boat sea inside to see the sea lions. penguins and sea birds. after this tour we will drive 1 hour to Ica, the oasis and do the dune buggies and sand boarding, spend the night here with a really good afternoon and sun-set. next day we drive to Nasca and take the plane to see the Nasca lines. Back to Lima to take a fligh to Cusco or drive from Nasca to Cusco you decide this option. in Cusco we'll do the Sacred Valley of the Incas and in the afternoon we'll take the train to Machupicchu, over night in Aguas Calientes, next day Machupicchu tour for like 3/4 hours, same day back to cusco and night in cusco. this journey will be 4 nights and 5 days enought time to see and enjoy the best places of Perú. I've been doing this journeys for over 8 years and always is the best experience, I am very flexible with a lot of experience in these routs, due to the tour will be private we start when ever you decide and stop where ever, I am very flexible, I work with kids and all ages, I like what I do thats why I am working as a tour guide for over 10 years. I guarantee great time for you, your Friends and family. I customize your tour according your needs and plans. I hope to be your next tour guide and enjoy toguether the Andes and coast of Perú.


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