Cusco Magical, 3 Days / 2 Nights

Sprache Englisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 850 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Tage

These 3 days tour is perfect for those pople who have short time and wants to explore Cusco as much as possible and the main arqueological places like, Saqsayhuman, Qenqo, Pucapuara, Tambomacha, Pisaq, Urubamba, Ollantaytambo (Sacred Valley) and the wonder of Machupicchu.

It will be few days where you, your family and friends will enjoy and have a lot of fun. I am local tour guide and I know well these places and I have been doing these tours for years, so I have many things to share with you.

During our tours we will stop on some great attractions, native markets and much more. Wait to get here because we also going to have time to try typical food from my region, like guinea-pig, chicha (fermented corn) and much more.

The advantage of the private tours is that we will have the car and tour guide just of us, we will have more time in the parks than waiting at the lines. I am very flexible with start times. 100% high quality service, see you soon on the Andes


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