Private Cappadocia Highlights Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 290 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

If you're visiting Cappadocia for one day, this tour perfectly suits what you want from your excursion.

The itinerary of our tour is as follows ;

-Göreme Open Air Museum

-Göreme panorama viewpoint


-Kaymaklı underground city

- Avanos town and red river

-Pottery hand-made art demo

-Uçhisar Pigeon Valley

-Red Valley panorama

Meeting point: Hotel

Includes: Guiding service and private transportation (A/C Van)

Excludes: -Entry fees for museums and underground city (can be arranged upon request)

Accommodation (can be arranged upon request)

Hot Air Balloon Flight (can be arranged upon request)

Lunch and dinner ( can be arranged upon request)

-Personal Expenses


-Food, Drinks, Snacks

Note: This tour can be customized according to your wishes by your guide upon request. Just stay in touch with your professional guide. Looking forward to meeting you here in Cappadocia!


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