1 day Relaxation&Enjoying; the day in Cappadocia

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 655 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Get ready to relax and get the most out of the famous activities in Cappadocia. Enjoy the activities while being informed by your guide during the day.

The itinerary of the tour is as follows:

-Meeting with your guide at the hotel.

-Starting the day with a traditional local Turkish breakfast at a local house. Together we will be guests of a local family at a local house. How exciting!

- After breakfast, we will go horseback riding in the most beautiful valleys of Cappadocia. During the tour, we will stop at the best scenic viewpoints of the valleys to take some photos

- After the horseback riding, we will visit one of the best local wineries in Cappadocia to taste its best wines accompanied by the wine plates, and enjoy the cave rooms where the wines are preserved.

- Ending the tour with the best; Turkish bath with Hamam& Sauna with foam massage at one of the local baths here.

-Dinner at a local restaurant is optional.

-Back to the hotel.

PS. You will be accompanied by your guide at the van, and given the details about the history, culture, geography and more of the region and activities.

Please keep in mind that the price given is the cost of all activities for each person.***


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