Private 2 Days Full Cappadocia Tour

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 610 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

To get the most of your Cappadocia visit, you definitely need more than one day. That's why this itinerary fits all your wishes if you want to have all the details about the region. The tour itinerary is as follows;

1st Day

+Transfer from the hotel at around 9.30-10.00 am.

+Start the tour with a mesmerizing view of Cappadocia, Red valley and a stop at panorama nearby.

+Open air museum where we will see the rock cut churches of Cappadocia.

+Lunch at Avanos town.

+ After lunch, famous pottery art demo at the best art centre there. Walk on the bank of the longest river of Turkey.

+Paşabağı with fabulous rock formations.

+Dervent (imagination) Valley

+Drive to your hotel and rest.

2nd Day

+Visit the ancient Christian rock cut village, Çavuşin.

+Get the grand view over Göreme, fairy town.

+Drive to Uçhisar, the highest location, view and take photos at Pigeons Valley

+Visit one of the biggest underground cities of Cappadocia, Kaymaklı.

+Lunch at Mustafapaşa Village, an old greek town.

+visit to the 3 Beauties fairy chimneys on the way back.

+End your tour at fascinating Cappadocia.

+Back to the hotel

Duration: 2 days


Guiding Services

Private Transportation with A/C Van


-Entrance tickets for the museums

-Personal expenses


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