Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 65 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

✓✓ We provide Car rental and Limousine services in Cairo, Luxor and Aswan with high Quality services and comfortable.

✓ Price Quoted Per Limousine from 1 up to 2 People

• Full Day (8 Hours) = 85 USD

• Half Day (5 Hours) = 65 USD

✓ Price Quoted Per Vehicle Car from 3 up to 8 People

Full Day (8 Hours) = 140 $

Half Day (5 Hours) = 95 $

✓Note: 10 $ extra for any additional hour.

✓Note: Car rental for internal city use only.

✓Optional: Add-on tour guide during the booking process for 50 $US per group or individual

✓ Itinerary

•As Per requested time we will pick you up from your location and take you to any where within Cairo City or Luxor city or Aswan city.


•Latest model Vehicles

•Air Conditioned

• VIP Service

Waiting you


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