Day Tour to East and West Banks

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden


Visit Colossi of Memnon, Valley of the kings and temple of Hatshepsut in the west side of the Luxor Temple and Karnak temples on the Eastside .


8 Hours

Attractions Highlight


Colossi of Memnon

Hatshepsut Temple

Luxor Temple

Includes and Excludes


pickup service from your hotel/Nile Cruise, and return.

All transfers by private air-conditioned vehicle.

Private English-speaking tour guide.

Entrance tickets for all sightseeing mentioned



Personal expenses

Any extra not mentioned on the itinerary


Pick you up from your hotel in Luxor Egypt Tours representative will pick you up from your hotel in Luxor, transfer by air-conditioned private van to the West Bank, start your amazing tour .

Valley of the Kings Visit

start your amazing tour to Valley of the Kings, including a visit to Three Tombs only, Tombs were used for King’s burial, usually cut into the limestone, all following a similar pattern, three corridors, an antechamber and a sunken sarcophagus chamber

visit Hatshepsut Temple

then proceed to visit Hatshepsut Temple the Female who role Egypt and built an amazing temple.

Visit Colossi of Memnon and Lunch

continue to visit Colossi of Memnon, and Enjoy Lunch at a local restaurant.

Karnak Temple Visit

Then move to the East Bank, enjoy an excursion to visit Karnak Temple, it is in fact contains three main temples, small Temples enclosed, and a lot of outer temples located about three kilometres north of Luxor .

Luxor Temple Visit

finally pay a visit to Luxor Temple built by Amunhotep III and located south Karnak, at the end of your tour transfer back to your hotel in Luxor.


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