Musandam tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 442 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Tage

The Musandam Governorate is a mountainous Omani peninsula projecting into the Strait of Hormuz, separated from the rest of the country by the United Arab Emirates. Often described as the ‘Norway of Arabia’ the peninsula boasts a magical combination of mountain and maritime landscapes with the towering red-rock Hajar mountains falling precipitously into the blue waters of the Arabian Gulf. The labyrinthine system of steep sided fjords, known as khors, cliffs and islands are mostly inaccessible except by boat.

Khasab is the main town in Musandam and is the perfect base for arranging boat and diving trips to Khor ash Sham which is the largest khor as well as for mountain safaris up the mighty Jebel Harim, the highest peak.

Musandam can be reached by plane or ferry from Muscat or by road from Dubai


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