Tour To Luxor Museum And Mummification Museum

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 70 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden


On this visit, you will visit the Luxor Museum and the Mummification Museum, the two most important and visited museums in Egypt after the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

See the artefacts and mummies discovered in Luxor’s tombs and temples on a half-day tour of the city’s two best-loved museums, the Luxor Museum and the Mummification Museum. At the Luxor Museum, you’ll see treasures that range from the Old Kingdom to the Mamluk period, including the magnificent statues excavated from Luxor Temple.

Continue to the Mummification Museum, and find the preserved remains of humans and animals. Also, the tools of mummification.


Pick up services from your hotel in Luxor and return

All transfers by a private air-conditioned vehicle

Private English Egyptologist guide

Tickets entrance for all sightseeings we mentioned

All service charges & taxes



Any Private Expenses

Your tour guide will pick you from your hotel or Nile Cruise. Then you will head to the Luxor Museum.

Luxor Museum is the second most visited museum in the country, surpassed only by the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

This museum contains pieces excavated in historical places of the region, such as the Luxor and Karnak Temples. Jewels, ceramics, statues and steles form part of the extensive collection. Some of the museum’s masterpieces are Certain Tutankhamen objects, the Statue of Thutmose III, and the mural of the Temple of Karnak.

Our next stop is the Mummification Museum, protected by the jackal-headed god Anubis. Opened in 1997, this museum perfectly explains the 70 days of the mummification process.

In the visit, you will fulfil many curiosities about the rite. Such as the stellar origin of the Instruments or the social exclusion that the workers suffered.

After this interesting “history class”, we will take you back to your Hotel.


Prices are quoted in US Dollars per person per trip except during Christmas, New Year & Easter holidays.

Children Policy

0 – 01.99 Free of Charge

2 – 05.99 pay 25% of tour price

6 – 11.99 pay 50% of tour price

12+ pay full tour price as per adult person.

Notes :

Child pricing applies to children who share rooms with their parents (Max 2 Children in one Room)


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