Safari blue water adventure

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Safari blue is water adventure which include sail,snorkeling,swimming,sunbathing at the sandbank,visiting lagoon and the feast of seafoods and island tropical is a full day trip to wonder the turquoise Indian ocean and marine life.sunbath in a clear white sand beaches in the middle of the ocean and enjoy tropical fruits that always waiting you ,then plunge in a shallow water for snorkeling in a beautiful colorful coral reefs filled with varieties of fishs and marine life such as grouper,reefsnaper,parrot fishs moray eel,octopus,starfish and many more in their sorroundings,after snorkeling will be the turn to see the lagoon at the backside of kwale island,this is your time to capture this life time memory and finaly heading to the kwale island for lunch,Zanzibar delicacy on table…..lobster,prawns,octopus,king fish,calamari,chips,rice with coconut source……mmmmh delicious and truly remarkable lunch that will leave your stomach,after the lunch,the dhow cruise headback to the main island and we say call it a day….!

Note: The pick up time from hotel for Safari blue 8:00am to get onboard in tradidional dhow cruise which is shared boat

Price include transfer from hotel,boat cruise.lunch,soft drinks and water

Exclude Alcoholic beverage such as beers and wine


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