Batumi Botanical Garden and Mtirala National Park

Sprache Englisch, georgisch, Russisch
Kosten 300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

If you wish to see the beauty of Adjara region, its unique nature and breathtaking views, and great Botanical Garden, then you surely need to choose this day tour! You will visit not only Batumi Botanical Garden but amazing Mtirala Natural Park as well. In the morning you will set off to the North. In 8 km away from the Batumi city there is located the Botanical Garden. It is the largest in Georgia and functions for more than 100 years. The complex takes more than 113 ha and has 21 different zones like: Lower and High Park, bamboo grove, Australian, Mexican, and Mediterranean plants. Lunch time (guide will advice the local restaurant) After the promenade in the Botanical Garden you will go to another beautiful place that is getting more popular – the Mtirala National Park - is translated from Georgian as “Crying Mountain”, and it is a large gorge with a lot of waterfalls, lakes, boxwood grove, and Red book plants. The unique “emerald” natural landmark will take your breath away!travel money is minivan


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