Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 70 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

Language English, Spanish

Price 70 USD for tour

Capacity Group of up to 10 people

Duration 1 day

We begin at 4:00 am for about 3 hours trip us till 7:30 am, we get at Pacchanta peasant community where enjoy us our breakfast them let´s go on with our tour on foot, so our walk would take about 5 hours in one interesant landscape where you´ll see alpacas and vicuñas in their environment, after 45 minus we´ll see the first lagoon. So let´s go on our walk the next lagoon and the next also is possible to see migrant bird depending of the season of the year, but the most impression of this tour is that we´re almost surrounded of snowcapped who survive to the climatic change.

Once you enjoy all natural areas we come back at the peasant community, call Pacchanta where let´s lunch, them you have 2 hours to enjoy of the water springs to come back to Cusco.

Recommendation for your trip.

So we´ll be in one place where the altitude is very high, so you have to take coca drink before and during the tour.

What include.

Two meals in this case breakfast and lunch.

Tour guide service.

Transportation from Cusco to Pacchanta peasant community.


● Passport

● Comfortable clothes,

● Warm jacket

● Gloves, chullo, scarf

● Rain poncho in rainy season

● Water, snack

● Hat

● Sunglasses

● camera

Nota: the price is per person.


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