City on the Great Silk Route

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

The locals say: "All roads in Bukhara lead to Lyabi-Hauz". It is an architectural complex of the 17th century, from where we will start our walking tour. The centre of the composition is the reservoir of the same name around which there were bazaars, tea-houses, workshops. . Numerous caravans came from Khorezm, China and India. The merchants were accommodated in cool caravanserais .

Guests will be interested to visit Saifiddin caravanserai.

Then we can walk under the domes, which served as trade centres in the ancient times.

It is impossible to imagine Bukhara without its main symbol - 47 meters high Kalon Minaret. Itt served as a place for Muslims to call to prayer, as well as a lighthouse for caravans. Kalon minaret is connected with the biggest cathedral mosque of the city, which can seat up to 12 thousand people.

The internal courtyard of the mosque is a great place for making photos.

And opposite the mosque there is a splendid 16th century madrassah Mir Arab,decorated with magnificent mosaics.

Bukhara has a rich history; it was founded in the 4th century BC. The witness of that epoch is the ancient citadel-fortress Ark, where now there is a historical museum.

At the end of our excursion we will visit park where there are two monuments: Chashma-Ayub (it means Spring of Job) and Samanid mausoleum .

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