Negril Day trip to Rick's Cafe and Seven Mile Bch

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Take a ride on the wild side and head over to Negril to bask on the world famous Seven Mile Beach. Extended across two parishes, This natural oasis is ideal for sunbathing, snorkeling, and even scuba diving, along with a number of other fun water sports. Rick's Cafe down the street, is just as famous offering Caribbean grub & cocktails, plus a pool & cliffside jumping spots. .Price Quoted is from Montego Bay and includes admission.. Price is per person based on group of 5 or more. Other pick up points can be arranged and would be priced separately.


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