Ganesh Himal Trek

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, hindi, Nepali, Spanisch
Kosten 550 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

Ganesh Himal Trek is a relatively less known and less traveled trekking route in Nepal. It is located in the Langtang region of Nepal, which is north-west of Kathmandu. The trek takes you through lush forests, terraced fields, remote villages, and stunning mountain landscapes.

The trek starts from Syabrubesi and passes through several small villages like Gatlang, Chalish, and Tatopani. The trek offers stunning views of the Ganesh Himal range, Langtang range, and the Manaslu range. The highest point of the trek is the Pansang La Pass, which offers panoramic views of the mountains.

The best time to do the Ganesh Himal Trek is from September to November and from March to May. During these months, the weather is clear, and the views are spectacular.

Day 1: Drive from Kathmandu to Balche which might take 6-7 hours’ drive

Day 2: Balche to Rupchet, lies at 3850, takes 6 hours of walk

Day 3: Trek from Rupchet to Chalish gaon, through Singla Pass, lies at 4050m, takes 6-7 hours of walk.

Day 4: Chalish gaon to Rachyat Gaon, lies at 1775m, takes 4-5 hours trek.

Day 5: Rachyat Gaon to Khading Gaon, at 2025m, takes 4-5 hours walk.

Day 6: Lapa Gaun to Ri gaon, lies at 1550m, takes 5 hours walk.

Day 7: Ri gaon to Phul Kharka, at 1210m, takes 5 hours walk.

Day 8: Phul Kharka to Jyamrung Durbar, at 1550m, takes 5-6 hours walk.

Day 9: Jyamrung Durbar to Dhading Besi and to Kathmandu, takes 3-4 hours driving


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