A look into the invisible world

Sprache Englisch, Polieren, Russisch
Kosten 260 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

There is no person who would not be touched by the beauty and antiquity of Nessebar and Sozopol - it speaks for itself. The tour is addressed to those who want to look a little further, through time and behind the facades of antiquity, to learn a little about 25 centuries of history of these places, to look into corners hidden from the eyes of ordinary passers-by. The tour is also for those who want to touch the nature and mysticism of the Strandja Mountains. Such an opportunity is provided by a visit to the ancient Thracian sanctuary Beglik Tash.

The tour is only for you and your loved ones. You can conveniently arrange your preferences within its route and duration. My offer is the only one, because it gives you the opportunity to see and learn the maximum possible in one day, using transport organized just for you...


Nessebar-Burgas (35 km) - in the middle of the road, check into the Pomorie domed tomb - then we drive through Burgas and go to Sozopol. Burgas-Sozopol (35 km) After visiting Sozopol - the last leg of the route Sozopol - Primorsko - Begliktas (25 km). At the request of tourists and the possibility of time - an hour of free time in the center of Burgas.


Walking tour of old Nsebar. Acquaintance with the history and beauty of one of the oldest cities on the Black Sea coast - duration - about 2 hours.

During the walk it is possible

Visit to the church-museum of St. Stephen.

Visit to the church-museum "Ascension of the Lord" In both churches, wall frescoes from the 16th century have been preserved.

10:30 – 12:00

Departure to Sozopol via Pomorie and Burgas.

On the way, visit the Pomorie domed tomb of the 2nd century. Unique in its design and purpose, a building made of Roman brick, hidden among the vineyards to the right of the road to Burgas.

12:00 – 13:00

Drive to Sozopol, /Pomorie-Sozopol - 55 km./

On the way, visit the Pomorie domed tomb of the 2nd century. Unique in its design and purpose, a building made of Roman brick, hidden among the vineyards to the right of the road to Burgas.

12:00 – 13:00

Drive to Sozopol, /Pomorie-Sozopol - 55 km./

13:00 – 15:00

Walking tour of the old Sozopol - during the walk visit the church of St. Cyril and Methodius, which houses the relics of St. John the Baptist and the old church of the Holy Mother of God. Free time in Sozopol.

15:00 Departure from Sozopol. /25 km. to Begliktash/

15:30 Arrival and acquaintance with Beglik tash.

16:30 Departure back to Nessebar

18:00 Arrival in Nessebar


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