Guided Tour: from Varadero to Havana

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

Book your tour with us and simply enjoy the journey on board an amazing old American car and a knowledgeable tour guide by your side giving you important info and updated data about Cuba.

Guided Tour to Havana

Visiting Havana is a must for most tourists coming to Cuba. I tell you why. This is a city with so much to offer: a legendary history and a palpitating present, and both things keep attracting an increasing number of visitors.

Now we give you the possibility to admire this amazing tropical metropolis with our guided excursion to Havana.

Half a day to see and explore this big city may be not enough; however, we make sure you are shown the most emblematic touristic attractions in the city, places that a first time visitor shouldn't miss.

Our excursion to Havana includes the "mandatory" visit to the so-called Habana Vieja, that is the historical city center. The best way to admire this section of the city is by strolling down the aged streets and sipping at the rich history surrounding the four main squares. This is usually done in a couple of hours. Along the way there will always be a nice bar or coffee shop to sit and relax while you sip at your drink and enjoy some live music.

Apart from sightseeing the Havana's historical center you will also have time to take a look at the more contemporary section of the city. This is best accomplished by taking a drive along the "Malecon" Avenue, that's Havana's seven kilometer long seawall. Along this driveway you can appraise some of Havana's tallest buildings and legendary hotels like the " El Hotel National" and " El Hotel Cohiba".

Our next stop is right at the "Plaza de la Revolucion", the city's largest square. It is also here where the biggest parades in the whole country take place. As an important highlight at the square we must add here the impressive José Marti Memorial, with its 17 meter high marble statue in honor of Cuba's national hero. Right behind you can see a 138 meter high tower, Havana's tallest structure. From up there you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the city. And you shouldn't worry about walking upstairs, you can always take the elevator.

Now you shouldn't leave Havana without paying a visit to the forts and fortresses built by the Spaniards during the colonial times. These have been declared world heritage sites and constitute good examples of military architecture of past centuries.

Finally, if you get hungry you have a wide range of choices to have lunch in Havana. Your tour guide will kindly suggest you a good restaurant according to your likes and budget.

If it is your wish to spend a night or two you can always rely on your tour guide's assistance to get you a good place to stay.

A final word. This is what we usually offer our clients and what an average excursion may include; but as we always insist, you tell us what you want and we simply arrange it to fit your wishes. We strongly believe that the way to be happy is to make others happy.


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