Southern Tasmania experience.(multi - day package).

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 2925 AUD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 4 Tage

This four(4) day Tasmanian experience really gives great balance and depth of experience of many regional locations in the south. I have included.

Bruny Island, Huon Valley, Derwent Valley, the Coal River Valley and Richmond.

Amongst these special locations for me. i provide great depth of our past and present, local culture and creativity. We send time in the natural landscape, with optional short walks depending on your interests and needs. We can remain flexible. We take time to taste the local flavors, wine, whisky, cider, beer and other.

Guests can select their lunch options which is at their cost. Each day will start at 830 for a Hobart pick up and finish around 430/5pm for a drop off.

Please contact me for details on group rates and further details.


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