3 days food and drink tour in Lome ,Togo

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 400 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 7 Stunden

day1: arrival (Lome), pickup at the airport to hotel, evening outing to visit some local sports in Lome to experience night life with the locals, taste some of the local drink,  tchoukoutou - a home-brewed beer made from sorghum (and sometimes millet), and other locally brewed beer like awooyo and /pils. back to hotel

day2: pickup from hotel 9am local time,have a city tour, visit the independence square, national museum, lome palace, the beach, assigame market- one of the largest in west africa, a colonial cathedral, visit a local restaurants in the city, get the chance to eat groundnut soup with fufu/ akume. interview the cooks on how it is prepared. 

day3: hotel pickup-9am, visit a local family, get the chance to see how local foods are prepared- deku dessi (palm nut soup) with akume (corn porridge) or fufu(cassava dough). also get to taste jus de bissap(roselle juice). interact with the family and back to the hotel.

day4: departure-drop off at the airport


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