Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour from Delhi by Private AC Car

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 190 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 12 Stunden

This tour is created for those travelers who wish to see the Taj Mahal at the sunrise time with the first light of the day.

This tour can be done from Delhi in a same day in private AC car and it can be done when you are staying in Agra.

Tour Program

02:00 am

Pick up from Airport / hotel in delhi, gurugram Or in noida and drive to Agra which 200 kms via express way.

05:00 am

Arrival in Agra and stop at hotel for using washroom and freshen up.

05:30 am

Visit Taj Mahal, it is a mausoleum erected in 17th century by 5th Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan for his beloved wife.

08:00 am

Stop for breakfast at a local place or in a hotel.

09:00 am

Stop to see the demonstration of marble inlay art done by direct descendants of those artists who worked for Taj Mahal.

09:30 am

Visit Agra Fort, it is a beautiful fort erected in 16th century by mughal emperor Akbar where Shah Jahan was held captive by his own son.

10:30 am

Visit Itimad ud Daulah, it is a very first mausoleum erected by Mughals in India. This is a monument not to be missed.


Stop to do some shopping in Agra(optional).

12:00 am

Driven back to delhi in a same car.

15:00 pm

You will be dropped to your desired location in delhi.

Tour Ends.


1. Private AC car for tour, sightseeing and transfer.

2. Expert Tour Guide.

3. Local Breakfast

4. Water bottles.


1. Monument Entrance fee

2. Any drinks

3. Tip and gratuity to Guide and Driver.


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