Gosaikunda Trekking, Rashuwa

Sprache Englisch, hindi, Nepali
Kosten 180 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 5 Tage

This 5 days short trek to the Holy Glacial Lake of Gosaikunda is designed for those with a short period of time in Nepal for its classic mountain treks and want to feel the alpine zone and experience Himalayas. Gosaikunda Lake (4380m) has great religious significance and is well-known as a pilgrimage site for Hindus who flock to the site in August during Janai Purnima.

The first few days are spent ascending through the forests before you reach the treeline at Cholang Pati from where you get your first glimpse of the towering Ganesh Himal, Langtang Himal, and Annapurna in the far distance. Rest for the night at the tea houses of Lauribinayek and then get up early the following morning to hike up to the lakes. Return the following days back to Dhunche and Kathmandu.

Short 5 days itinerary

Day 1: Drive from Kathmandu to Dunche (2030m), 6-7 hours.

Day 2: Trek to Chandan Bari (3330m)., 5-6 hours walk.

Day 3: Trek to Gosaikunda (4380m) about 7 hour's walk.

Day 4: Trek down to Dhunche (2100m),

Day 5: Drive to Kathmandu.


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