Museums tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 140 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden


Your Tour guide will be waiting you. They will be holding a sign of yours name, You do not need to look for them - they will be waiting for you and will find you.

From the moment your tour starts, your guide will give you full attention. Once in the car, your guide will talk to you about all the things on the way as well as other aspects of your tour that will interest you.

Start your tour visiting the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization is the only museum in Egypt which offers a general overview of all the all different historical periods of Egypt. It has more than 50,000 artefacts, presenting Egyptian civilization from prehistoric times to the present day.

The Royal Mummies Hall inside The Egyptian Civilization Museum is a must-see area. It has a separate section where royal mummies unearthed from various tombs are preserved. The room is climate controlled and the mummies appear to be looked after well. Mummified over 4000 years ago, you can see the mummies of Kings of Hatshepsut, Tuthmosis and Ramses in good condition. The kings and queens have lean bodies and the mummies appear smaller and shorter in size than their original stature. Walk around leisurely in this room and look at Pharaohs and queen resting in peace in a climate controlled rooms, far removed from their original resting place.

Then visit the Egyptian Museum which has more than 250,000 pieces display a rare collection of Egyptian art Over 5,000 years, as well as Tutankhamen room which has treasure, jewelry and gold’s which was enclosed in his tomb over 3500 years before it was discovered in 1920 when his tomb was excavated.

Travel in comfort back to your hotel, Cairo has so much to see, feel, eat and buy so if you have time and want to add more to your itinerary – just let us know what you are interested in and we will arrange it for you.


Flexibility to customize your itinerary to your own preferences

All transfers by modern air-conditioned van from your hotel in Cairo

Pick up services from your hotel & return

Tour guide

Entrance fees

All Service charges and taxes


Any extras


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