Overnight Trip to El Minya from Luxor

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 950 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Tage


Your Tour guide will be waiting you. They will be holding a sign of yours name, You do not need to look for them - they will be waiting for you and will find you.

From the moment your tour starts, your guide will give you full attention. Once in the car, your guide will talk to you about all the things on the way as well as other aspects of your tour that will interest you.

Day 01: Luxor / El Minya Tour

At 06:00 am transfer you to Minya, about 6 hours driving from Luxor.

Upon arrival at Minya you will visit the city's site, including the great plain where Akhenaton received his divine inspiration to build his city.

Lunch will be served is a quality local restaurant in El Minya, then you will be transferred to your hotel at Minya. Overnight in El Minya.

Day 02: Beni Hassan & Tombs Tour / Luxor

In the morning, you will be driven to Beni Hassan, where you can see Bakhet tomb (Bakhet III was the Governor of the Oryx Nome ), Khnumhotep tomb (Khnumhotep was a governor under Amenemhat III in the 12th dynasty ) and Khety tomb (It belongs to a governor in the 11th dynasty ), then proceeds to visit the northern tombs.

Lunch in a good quality local restaurant in El Minya before driving back to your hotel in Luxor.

Travel in comfort back to your hotel, Luxor has so much to see, feel, eat and buy so if you have time and want to add more to your itinerary – just let us know what you are interested in and we will arrange it for you.


Pick up services from your hotel in Luxor and return

Accommodation in Minya at Aton Hotel, 03 star hotel with breakfast

All transfers by air-conditioned vehicle

Expert tour guide

Entrance fees to all the sights in Minya

Two lunch times during tours in El Minya at local restaurant

All services charges and taxes


Any Extras not mentioned in the itinerary


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