Half Day City Tour With Evening Desert Safari

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

A half-day city tour and an evening desert safari in Dubai offer different experiences and inclusions. Here's a breakdown of what is typically included in each:

Half Day City Tour:

Hotel Pickup and Drop-Off: Most city tours include transportation to and from your hotel or a central meeting point.

Sightseeing: You'll visit key landmarks and attractions in Dubai, which may include places like the Burj Khalifa, Palm Jumeirah, Jumeirah Mosque, Dubai Marina, the Dubai Museum, and more.

Guided Tour: An experienced guide provides information about the history, culture, and significance of the sites you visit.

Photo Stops: Opportunities to capture photos at iconic locations and landmarks.

Cultural Experiences: Some tours might include visits to cultural sites or activities, such as exploring the Al Fahidi Historic District.

Shopping: Short stops at traditional souks (markets) like the Gold Souk and Spice Souk for souvenir shopping.

Evening Desert Safari:

Pickup and Drop-Off: Transportation to and from your hotel in Dubai.

Dune Bashing: An exhilarating ride through the desert dunes in a 4x4 vehicle.

Camel Riding: An opportunity to experience a short camel ride in the desert.

Sandboarding: Enjoy sandboarding on the dunes.

Sunset Viewing: Experience the beautiful desert sunset.

Henna Painting: Get traditional henna designs on your hands.

Arabic Costume Dressing: Dress up in traditional Arabic clothing for photos.

Entertainment: Enjoy traditional music and dance performances, such as belly dancing and tanoura shows.

Barbecue Dinner: A delicious buffet dinner with a variety of Arabic and international dishes.

Shisha (Hookah): Experience smoking shisha, a traditional Middle Eastern water pipe.

Stargazing: Enjoy the clear desert skies and stargaze.


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