Gabala city tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 160 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 12 Stunden

Take a full-day tour to Gabala and its ski resort

See landmarks like Nohur Lake, Tufandag

Learn about the history of Azerbaijan’s oldest city Gabala

Enjoy complimentary round-trip transportation from your hotel


Start: 9 AM , Finish: 9 PM, Duration: 12 hours

Tour Program:

Pickup from hotel

7 beauty waterfall

Lunch (forest restaurant serving traditional food)

Nohurgol Lake: The lake is surrounded by a forest. You can walk around or sail on a boat

Tufandag: one of the longest teleferic of the world. Whether for skiing or just for memorable summer views of the Alpine scenery behind Gabala, jump aboard the Tufandag network of four cable cars :)


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