İstanbul Biennial Tour Zeyrek

Sprache bulgarisch, Englisch, Türkisch
Kosten 300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Stunden

Meeting at the Zeyrek Çinili Hamam

After twelve years of restoration, we see the acoustic installations that create a sound therapy effect in the Zeyrek Çinili Bath, which opened its doors for the first time for the biennial. We are listening to a Mediterranean Concerto and to the story of the elegant structure and its tiles, which is a Sinan Bath built for Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha. We chat about Turkish bath culture, Istanbul and water.

We visit Zeyrek Mosque and Zeyrekhane, which is the second magnificent Byzantine structure in Istanbul after Hagia Sophia, dedicated to Jesus the Pantocarotor.

We continue our biennial tour with a pleasant 15-minute walk in Küçük Mustafa Paşa Hamam, which is the second bath of the 12 biennial venues, one of the oldest and most magnificent baths in Istanbul, which gives the district its name.

We visit the Gül (Rose) Mosque, which has been a Byzantine church next to the Küçük Mustafa Pasha Bath.


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