Dinner Cruise on the Nile

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 75 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Stunden

Tour Highlights:

Dinner cruise on the Nile

Belly dancer and Oriental Show

Open buffet dinner


We are happy to offer dinner Cruise on the Nile tour to explore the culture of Egypt on the River Nile.

Tours representative will pick you up from your hotel and transfer you to your 5 stars Nile Cruise to start your amazing tour with attending the belly dancer and oriental Show.

Enjoy your 5 star dinner during listening to the western music and watching the folklore show through the warm air and deep history of this area, comfort back to your hotel.

You will begin your tour between 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm; this is left to your discretion and also availability. An air conditioned vehicle will transfer you to the docks for your 2 hour cruise. This tour takes 3 hours.


Belly dancer and Oriental Show

Open buffet dinner

All transfers by air-conditions vehicle

The folklore show

All services charges and taxes


Beverages are not included in the price

Any extras not mentioned in the Itinerary

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