Aquarium Dubai Mall

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 30 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Stunden

Dubai Mall Aquarium

The Dubai Aquarium is home to several hundred marine species of underwater life.

Wander through the 48 meters long tunnels, which offer a fantastic view of the giant aquarium with a 270-degree viewing angle.

here you can meet a variety of marine life, including sharks, rays, penguins, sawfish, octopuses and many others.

Next will be a walk through the underwater Zoo, on level 2. Within 2-3 hours, you will find hundreds of animals, birds and reptiles on this journey, ranging from penguins, lobsters, rays and ending with crocodiles.

Enjoy a wide range of water activities such as diving at the Dubai Mall Aquarium, where you can even dive with sharks under the supervision of professional instructors.

additional paid activities (not included in the price)

Access to Aquarium Tunnel and Underwater Zoo

Access to meet and greet area

Underwater observatory entrance platform

Animal Encounters

Water activities

Access to a snorkeling simulator and glass bottom boat ride

Fish feeding

Access to Penguin Cove

VR park


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