Palm Jumeirah and Dubai Marina boat trip

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Stunden

Boat trip Palm Jumeirah and Dubai Marina

on a speedboat.

the program also includes photo stops at the most impressive places in the emirate

On a small private yacht, we will pass along the canal through the prestigious area of ​​​​Dubai with one of the most luxurious and elite yacht ports in the world.

We will see a huge Ferris wheel "Dubai Eye" and a wonderful beach "Jumeirah Beach Residence".

We will also visit on a walk along the shores of the eldest of the three Palm Islands - Palm Jumeirah.

Highlights of our tour

Dubai Marina Canal Our walk will start from the very heart of the elite area of ​​Dubai, a man-made navigable 4-kilometer canal.

see the luxury yachts of the biggest nautical club in Dubai.

a large-scale structure, which can be seen even from space, we admire the beauty of the architectural forms of all skyscrapers.

Palm Jumeirah is Dubai's calling card

walk along the shore of the magnificent beach "Jumeirah Beach Residence" and past the world's largest Ferris wheel "Dubai Eye"

jumeirah promenade with beautiful lanterns and fountains, many restaurants and shops.

walk along the artificial island of Palm Jumeirah, one of the three Palm Islands in Dubai. see the famous Atlantis city.

Organizational details.

This is not a historical excursion, but just a boat trip.

Included in cost:

transfer from the hotel and back

(free transfer is available only from Dubai and Sharjah);

2-hour walk with the captain; water and soft drinks

Surcharge for transfer from remote hotels + $20 per person

Meeting point

Start the tour at any hotel in Dubai. You will know the exact meeting point immediately after booking.


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