Full Day sight seen Delhi

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Hindi
Kosten 25 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

Enjoy Delhi.Discover and explore thousands of years of history. Start your exploration

with Old Delhi – visit the Jama Masjid, a royal mosque built by the Mongol Emperor Shah

Jahan in 1656. Pass the Red Fort (a World Heritage Site). Built in red brick

by Shah Jahan in 1648, this magnificent monument was built along the Yamuna River and has the shape

of an irregular octagon. Visit Rajghat, the cremation site of Mahatma Gandhi.

Continue towards Qutub Minar – a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This tower of the

victory, is composed of a brick minaret, 5 floors and 72.5 meters high. The building of the

minaret started in 1193, commissioned by Qutbuddin Aibak and was finished in 1368.

Pass the India Gate, a national monument of India. It is one of India's largest war memorials, designed by Sir Edwin Luytens to commemorate the 90,000 soldiers of the former army

British Indian who lost their lives in the First World War. It is built of stone,

red sand and granite. Edwin Luytens spent 20 years building the city in a unique style

combining classic Western and Indian ornamental designs.

Walk along the majestic boulevards of New Delhi, you will discover the Rashtrapati Bhavan,

(presidential palace with 340 rooms), built on Raisina Hill, where the viceroy lived and it is today the

official residence of the Indian President.


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