Historical sites tour around Kampala city

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden

1.Gadaffi Uganda Mosque situated at Kampala Hill and you get the insight on Islam and art,it's originally the biggest in East Africa and second largest on continent after King Hassan in Casablanca, Morocco.

2.Kabaka's man made Lake, one he used when escaping the attack of Obote's soldiers at the palace locally known as "Twekobe".

3.Kabaka's Palace( Twekobe) where you get to know about the history of all the buganda kings till the current one and buganda as a kingdom. You get to also see Idd Amin's torture chambers.

4. Fort Lugard art exhibition showcasing African culture for window shopping or purchasing.

5. Uganda Martyr's at the Namungongo Shrine where they where killed.

6.Mabamba Swamp Bird watching,varoius bird watching species.


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