Sprache Englisch, Esperanto, Französisch, Italienisch
Kosten 280 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

Day 1

We will start with a long day, with substantial driving although the initial stretch is on the easy tarmac and across a variety of landscapes. We will reach Oued Jenna, a savannah-like habitat with beautiful rocky outcrops in the background and famous for birding and other nature observations. We will have lunch and an easy trek to discover semi-permanent water pools at Laglatt. After lunch, we will drive across the oued and a large plateau. The camp will be on flat ground and we will enjoy the first night in the desert.

Day 2

This day will again be a long day, entirely spent off-roading. After a good breakfast, we will explore different habitats and terrains including savannah, rocky mountains, dry river beds with bush areas, plateaus, and a huge sebkha with a shining bottom. We will have lunch and then continue into the dunes, have dinner and spend the night at the bivouac.

Day 3

After a good breakfast, we will head towards the coast. We will drive in between the dunes at a low pace, stopping for some dune running and panorama views. Then, we will drive uphill across small canyons until reaching an area with wells and (possibly) camel herders. We will have lunch here, reach the coastal road and drive to Dakhla (possibly in time to pay a visit to the White Dune before sunset) or head back to the north of Morocco depending on your plans.

The itinerary can be changed as you wish. Please, tell us if you like to do that.

Tour Included:

Pick up and drop off at your accommodation3 days of exclusive services of a vehicle with AC

3 days services of a driver/guide

2-night nomad tent under stars

Camel ride to a nomadic camp2 dinners and breakfasts

Not included:



Entrance/Activity Fees


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