
Sprache Englisch, persisch, Türkisch
Kosten 60 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

The ancient city of Shiraz is the city of Love and Literature and the origin of first samples of Persian gardens is the unique example of hospitality and warmness of its people and bears many historical and ancient attractions and old cities of Persian Empire showing the glory of a nation such as Persepolis and Necropolis and Pasargadae. You can completely feel the highlights of the cultural city of Shiraz if you travel to this nice city during spring season when the fragrance of flowers, especially orange tree blossoms has filled up the air. Secondly, you should really pay a visit to its marvelously attractive gardens which are numerous and extraordinarily beautiful and eye catching. Thirdly, you will have an amazing experience after visiting the fabulous religious sites of this city which are painted colorfully and make the people who visit the places mesmerized by the play of colors which are mostly relaxing and sacred.Finally, the amazing architecture of these attractions is what really fascinates every visitor especially the ones who study architecture and architectural styles professionally both in terms of Ancient and historical architecture and also modern architectural styles.


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