History Tour of Ottoman Mosques, Structure and Culture by Walking

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Stunden

We will visit the some of the popular mosque of Ottoman Empire. First destination will be Şehzade Mosque. The greatest architect of Ottoman Empire, Sinan built this artifact. And called “work of apprenticeship”. Although he made many works and structures, he left us a legacy by passing 3 great works into history and it is the first one. After that we will walk Süleymaniye Mosque. We will see the some secrets of the this mosque. When he finished it, called “semiskilled artifact”. Right now, it is one of the most beautiful mosque in Istanbul. After that we will walk to Eminönü by using the Grand Bazaar way and will see local street bazaars and Golden Horn. Afterwards of this orientation walk we will reach the Spicy Bazaar or we call The Egyptian Bazaar. After cultural orientation tour will be finished.

TIPS: All entrance will be free.


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