1 Day Tour at Berat City

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 100 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

This is one of the oldest cities and the pride of Albanian architecture. The three major neighborhoods of the old city are Mangalemi, Gorica, and Kala where the castle itself is located. We will start our tour with the castle area. Visiting the 'Kala' involves a steep walk up a cobbled path, but those who make it to the top will be rewarded with a magnificent view of the surrounding area. You will visit the Museum of Iconography 'Onufri' (Optional) which bears the name of the renowned fresco and icon-painter Onufri, who has left a rich inheritance. This museum is located within the cathedral of Assumption of St. Mary’s. You will also visit the Red Mosque, recognized by its lonely minaret and St. Trinity Church. After the tourin the castle, there will be optional lunch in a restaurant with traditional cuisine (at extra cost). After the fortress you will visit the Mangalemi neighborhood and the National Ethnographic Museum (Optional). This museum is located in one of the most characteristic and interesting houses of the town, a rich assemblage of traditional objects (more than 1000) and is one of the greatest examples of Berat’s long history and culture. Across the Osumi River lies the Gorica neighborhood, whose houses face those of Mangalemi. The arched bridge of Gorica, built in 1780, is a beautiful architectural monument constructed to unite Gorica with Mangelemi


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