Tour to Nivica: The Stunning Ancient Village of the South

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 60 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden

In the heart of southern Albania, only 30 km from Tepelena, sits Nivica, the charming village that is stealing the hearts of local and international tourists.

Nivica is the largest village of the beautiful Kurvelesh province, with an area of 150 square meters. As if suspended on air, the village sits at 750 meters above sea level on Mount Këndrevica.


- Depart from Saranda to start our journey towards the City of Tepelena for approx. 2 hours.

- Coffee stop 30 minutes along the way.

- Panoramic stops along the way without going to Progonat, after we leave the city of Tepelena.

- On the way we stop and visit at Benca Aqueduct a Bridge and Historic Site of Tepelena

- Arrive at Progonat surrounded by mountains and numerous plains, a wonderful Canyons where the

water flowing from the waterfall passes.

- Once we arrive in Progonat, we prepare to visit the magical Peshtura Waterfall.

- The terrain is a bit steep and I definitely recommend sportswear, mountain shoes or suitable for mountainous terrain.

- Leisure time at the waterfall, where you will be able to consume the food taken with you under the sounds and freshness of the waterfall.


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