Photography Tour in Buenos Aires

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 140 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Stunden

A PRIVATE TOUR is a tailor-made PHOTOGRAPHY TOUR, designed and arranged just for you and your needs, and may include several locations.

The Photo Tour includes:

- INTRODUCTORY TALK: (if necessary, depending on the participant´s knowledge) with basics of creative composition, camera functions, exposure, etc. in a Cafe or public park.

- SNACK: A cup of coffee, tea, or soda with a sandwich, cake (or similar), etc., is included in the Tour while the introductory Class takes place, in a Bar to be decided by PHOTO TOURS BUENOS AIRES between several options. (It may be after the Tour if you want)

- SHOOTING in one or several neighborhoods of Buenos Aires (or where you choose) during the lapse of time you prefer.

- PERSONAL GUIDANCE: A professional and experienced travel, editorial and stock photographer will assist you in all steps, so you can get the best of your creative and technical capabilities in your photographs.

- NEW: CD-ROM "BUENOS AIRES 3D": You will receive a FREE copy of the CD-ROM "Buenos Aires 3D" (3D Glasses included)

Transportation expenses are not included

I can provide you with a light tripod if necessary, for an extra amount of US$ 10 . The participant will carry the tripod during the Tour.

Minimum rates charged: 4 Hours


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